Hi. I wanted to create my own tutorials and embed Cospaces in an i-frame so students could see the tutorial while they work but when I do this, cospaces refuses to connect. Is it possible to do this? if so, how? Thank you.
Hi @VRTeacher,
You’re using the Embed code on the Share CoSpace page, correct? This embed code is already in an i-frame.
What’s the website platform you’re embedding into?
Geoff @ TechLeap
I wanted to embed the cospaces interface into an i-frame so my students could follow a tutorial without having it in another tab or browser. I figured out that cospaces inherently doesn’t allow this as they use the Content Security Policy directive: frame-ancestors. I will figure something else out.
Ah, do you mean the editor? Yes, you’d need to speak with them about accessing the Developer API if you wanted to do that.